17 Июля 2024 г.

Простой доступ к 3-(гетеро)арилированным производным 2-фуроиновой кислоты

A new approach for the preparation of a variety of 3-arylated 2-furoic acid derivatives has been developed. The approach involves selective Ru-catalyzed C3-H arylation of the furan moiety of readily available 2-furoyl-1-methylimidazole (using imidazole as a removable N-donor directing group), subsequent N-methylation, and nucleophilic substitution of the imidazole moiety with N, O, S, and C nucleophiles.

Ссылка: Synthesis, 2024, ASAP.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1775383
