13 Ноября 2017 г.

Токсичность соединений металлов: Знания и мифы

Organometallic reagents and metal catalysts are used ubiquitously in academia and industry. Not surprisingly, the biological activity and environmental danger of metal compounds have become topics of outstanding importance. In spite of the rapid development of toxicology during the last decades, several common historically established "beliefs" are still frequently circulating in the organometallic community. In this Tutorial, we discuss existing opinions concerning (1) possibilities of toxicity measurements, (2) high toxicities of heavy-metal compounds, (3) correlation between the structure of a metal compound and its toxicity, (4) biological effect of direct/indirect contacts with metal compounds, and (5) dangers of metal nanoparticles. Basic concepts of toxicity studies and known data are described in the Tutorial step by step upon discussion of these issues. The main goal of this Tutorial is to demonstrate that the toxicity of a metal cannot be regarded as a constant property, since it depends on the oxidation state, ligands, solubility, morphology of particles, properties of the environment, and several other factors. As far as such chemically labile species as metal compounds are concerned, the nature of biological effects should not be assumed or taken for granted; indeed, reliable conclusions cannot be made without dedicated measurements.

Скриншот веб-сайта ACS Publications:

Ссылка: Organometallics, 2017, 36, 4071-4090.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.7b00605

Онлайн-версия: http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.organomet.7b00605
