The Russian Science Foundation sponsored research broke into the top 5% of all scientific publications rated by Altmetric.
It is noteworthy that the article "Spatial imaging of carbon reactivity centers in Pd/C catalytic systems" was published in May 2015 in Chemical Science.
"The ZIOC chemists found a way to quickly and easily detect defects in the atomic structure of graphene. Detecting defect centers on the carbon surface provides a unique opportunity to study the reactivity of the graphene layers.
The researchers found that one square micrometers of the surface (about thousand times smaller than a human hair) can possess over 2000 reaction centers. However, the centers are not located randomly, but are well-organized across the surface.
The article "Spatial imaging of carbon reactivity centers in Pd/C catalytic systems" by
Chem. Sci., 2015; DOI: 10.1039/C5SC00802F
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